Randy Sadler

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Randy Sadler started his career in risk management as an officer in the U.S. Army. He has been a principal with CIC Services for seven years and consults directly with business owners, CEOs and CFOs in the formation of captive insurance programs.

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Tu negocio enfrenta más riesgos que nunca: aquí te explicamos cómo asegurarte de estar preparado para cualquier desastre

Conforme el panorama empresarial evoluciona a una velocidad vertiginosa, ¿está tu estrategia de gestión de riesgos al día? Aprende cómo enfrentar los desafíos emergentes —desde la privacidad de datos hasta los riesgos ambientales— y transforma la incertidumbre en una ventaja competitiva.

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Your Business Faces More Risks Than Ever — Here's How to Ensure You're Prepared For Any Disaster

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Cyber Threats Are More Prevalent Than Ever — So Don't Leave Your Business Exposed. Here's How to Protect It.

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Your Business Might Be Violating Federal Regulations Unknowingly — Which Can Cost You Serious Money. Here's How to Avoid It.

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Do You Have the Right Insurance for Your Business? Here's How to Understand Your Options

Having the right insurance for your business can mean the difference between growth and success or closing your doors. With an ever-changing market and risk environment, it's a good time to ask if traditional insurance fits your business, or if it's time to consider alternative solutions.

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