Life Hacks

A good life hack makes everything better. Whether you're looking to boost your creativity and productivity, or just want to simplify your day, find ways to make it all easier here.


These Are the Best Places for a Middle-Class Retirement That Won't Break the Bank, According to New Research

About half of U.S. adults live in middle-income households. Here's where they should consider spending their golden years.

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Starting a Business

This 30-Year-Old Started a Business to Stop Food Poisoning in Its Tracks. Now It's Raised Over $20 Million — and Taco Bell Is a Customer.

Christine Schindler, co-founder of PathSpot, is on a mission to detect harmful pathogens, like E. coli, before they make you sick.

Money & Finance

'It Was Taboo': Parents Shape Their Children's Relationship With Money. Here's How to Set Kids Up for Long-Term Success Instead of Struggle.

Social media star and entrepreneur Kat Stickler and CFA Matt Stucky discussed the topic on Northwestern Mutual's "A Better Way to Money" podcast.


5 Ways to Fix Your Lack of Inspiration

Inspiration is not a destination, it's a journey. It may come and go, but if you stay true to your values, passions, and take care of yourself, you'll be more likely to find it when you need it.

Starting a Business

He Left His Law Career to Start a Ghostwriting Business — Now He Charges Over $100,000 a Book. Here's What It Took to Get There.

Michael Levin taught creative writing to supplement his income. Then he did some math and went all in on a new business.

Find Success

How I Redefined My Success as an Entrepreneur With These 3 Questions

Success is such an arbitrary concept. It looks different for everyone. For me, these 3 questions helped redefine what I wanted from my business, and what it would take for me to feel truly successful.

Business Culture

How Being a More Generous Leader Drove My Company's Success

There is no time like the present to think more about others than oneself. Give generously in all you do: your time, energy, enthusiasm, caring and financial impact. Your company, clients, community and team will thank you.

Growing a Business

At 24, She Was Fired From Her Advertising Job. Then an 'Incredibly Important' Mindset Helped Her Build a Multimillion-Dollar Business.

Melissa Ben-Ishay's brother Brian Bushell encouraged her to follow her passion — and it led to major success.


Who Is the Rudest Employee at Your Workplace? If You Do Any of These 5 Things, Look in the Mirror.

Work has changed a lot in recent years — but the standards people hold their co-workers to have not.


9 Habit Stack Routines To Boost Your Productivity and Improve Your Health

Consistency drives success. Eliminate decision fatigue and be most effective with these daily routines.