Liz Brody: Page 3


Liz Brody is a contributing editor at Entrepreneur magazine. 

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Latest: Page 3

Green Entrepreneur®

What Does It Take to Be Sustainable, For Real? The Founder of this Pet Food Brand Sweat Every C02 Molecule to Find Out.

Building a truly eco-friendly company is hard, and expensive, but to Shine Pet Food's founder Sandra Bosben, it was worth it.

Growing a Business

These College Kids Bought a Custom T-Shirt Company With Their Bar Mitzvah Money. Now it's a $40 Million Business.

Fresh Prints is reimagining classic collegiate style, and that's just the beginning.

Growing a Business

This Couple Escaped Arranged Marriages in Pakistan. Now They Run a Brooklyn Shoe Brand Whose Revenue Went From $1.8M to $12M in Just 2 Years.

When Sidra Qasim and Waqas Ali landed in the U.S. not knowing a word of English, they had no idea how far their entrepreneurial journey would take them.

Growing a Business

This Founder Wanted to Infuse a Marshmallow With Chocolate, for a Better S'More. He Had No Idea How Hard That Would Be.

Michael Tierney, the founder of Stuffed Puffs, learned that sometimes the simplest problems are the most complicated ones to solve.

Estrategias de crecimiento

Este fundador quería infundir un malvavisco con chocolate, para un mejor S'More. No tenía idea de lo difícil que sería eso.

Michael Tierney, el fundador de Stuffed Puffs, aprendió que a veces los problemas más simples son los más complicados de resolver.

Growing a Business

Zooey Deschanel Embraces the Word 'Quirky' and Thinks Businesses Should Too

The actress and entrepreneur has cofounded enough ventures to know that whatever sets you apart will guide you toward success.